Forum Categories

This category is for those who want to offer solutions to problems either on the forum or in the accomplishing of some task that others might have interest in.

A resource for members who need some technology assistance, e.g. setting up a new website, modifying a website or other service, email server problems, telephone system issues.

This category is for general discussion of technology issues and ideas.

Used for announcements to the general membership and for topics that do not really fit in other categories.

Focussing on how to eliminate barriers to participation in A.A. meetings and improve access to A.A. resources, ensuring that all alcoholics, regardless of physical, sensory, mental, social or technological limitations, can fully benefit from and serve A.A

For AA members that work with, are interested in, or curious about AA Archives. We welcome your questions and comments as you enter into the discussions and hope you’ll find useful information here.