Why don't you join us or log in?

Any portion of our actual forum requires joining/signing in so that we can protect our site and our members to be only working with members of our community (all are either members of AA or are working in support of AA committees or organizations). While you don’t have to join to reach all information we’ve published to the public, we encourage all who want to join our community (and meet our requirements to either be an AA member or in some service to AA organizations), please come and share your experience, strength and hope…

If you’re already a member of tiaa-forum.org, follow this link to sign in or change your password.

We welcome all to our community and hope you’ll find useful information here as well as opportunities to share your questions and experiences in either carrying our message of recovery or supporting those individuals and organizations who carry our message.

While many of us are used to using and supporting technology, a lot of us “have no clue” around computers and devices.

We range in recovery time and service from a few days to multiple decades.

We range in responsibility from average members to District and Area officers, committee chairs and members, from Intergroup Staff to Trustee – all are welcome and encouraged to share.

Once you submit this form (or send an email to info@tiaa-forum.org, if you prefer), you will receive an invitation from one of our site administrators.

That email will include a link and instructions as to how to select your forum name and get started in our community.
